Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Youtube x Internet

When the power or cable system used to go out at my house. I would find myself panicking...not because I was scared of the dark?. Not because that meant no television. But because I didn't know what I would do without the Internet. What else could keep me consumed and entertained for hours at a time? How else could I be as connected with the rest of the world? The Internet has to be the single greatest invention or creation of my time. I just can't imagine life without it. Then we had email and stuff like AOL when we were growing up. Then came the ability to download music! Even though it meant one song took a couple of hours at the time. Now with internet video going mainstream and websites being able to steam video right to our computers. I find myself not watching TV anymore. I can sit in front of my computer and get better programming than what my television can offer with a click of the mouse. It all started with Youtube which made me sit in front of my computer for countless hours watching videos I had never seen before and ordinary people sharing video that were simply brilliant. Youtube revolutionized the sharing of media and ordinary people can now be stars too!

Wanted to share some interesting video's I've come across lately...

I love Japan

Classically titled "VAGINA POWER!"

Butt hurt much?

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