Mom should have just bitch slapped this girl and left her in the parking lot. Sad to see kids growing up to become like this. Thanks MTV. What happened to the music?
So I know I've been slacking off big time in updating my blog. That's a big no no if I want to keep this interesting. Hope I can keep it updated or I'll be disappointed when I look back later on.
Went to eat dinner at The Fish Market at the Irvine Spectrum tonight with my girlfriend, Prima, after some shopping. We've dined there probably 3-4 times already and every time we ask each other why we keep going back. Its certainly not for the fish that's for sure. We do love the raw Kubomoto oysters they have, but I guess it isn't in season and they didn't have it on their menu. What a bummer. We had the Ono and New Zealand Seabass and the funny thing is we couldn't taste the difference between the two. My complaint about American seafood is that they only know to either grill it or bake it. Any fish ends up tasting the same and I dont feel like Im eating seafood anymore. I guess the fob in me still prefers the Asian way of preparing seafood. All in all the food was just normal and by normal I mean Prima and I can just go down to Trader Joes and get the marinated Mahi Mahi and make some Uncle Ben's rice pilaf and still come up with a mean that's probably tastier than this place. The only thing I can really recommend getting there are the Kubomoto oysters when they are on the menu.